Anglican Wedding at Christ Church Cathedral in Vancouver
Despite having to reschedule their wedding multiple times due to COVID and the fact that they had family travelling from all over the world to their wedding here in Vancouver, Irene & Felix finally managed to have a beautiful Anglican Wedding at the Christ Church Cathedral in Vancouver. Irene sings in the choir at the church so the church community is a very important part of the couple’s lives.
Honestly, I have never heard such a beautiful choir at a wedding before. Their wedding both looked and sounded like something out of a classic Disney movie. It was such as beautiful and sacred space that I was half expecting doves to sweep in and place garlands of flowers over the couple as a blessing! What was extra special is that Irene actually wrote a really moving song for Felix which she and the choir sang during the service.
What began as an overcast day quickly cleared up and the couple ended the day at the Vancouver Maritime Museum for an outdoor reception with one of the most stunning sunsets we’ve captured to date.
Big up to their planner Natasha Thom at Clearwater Events for keeping things rolling smoothly all day!
Check out their pictures below: