Amy + Connor

Becca + Bruce

Tanzyn + Kylene

The most magical and meaningful moments in our lives are often disguised as mundane day-to-day occurrences – a smile of gratitude, a knowing look, a compassionate touch. Sometimes all it takes is a fresh perspective to show someone what they might be missing. We aim to refresh the world’s perspective on love every time we pick up our cameras.
Hey Folks! We are just beside ourselves to learn that we’ve won a third Fearless Award. Fearless Photographers is a collective of photographers from around the world who push the boundaries of convention when it comes to wedding photography. “It takes courage to believe in real love-something big, something lasting, something, yeah, we’ll say it, […]
One of my favourite things to photograph is kids at weddings. There are two unpredictable elements of weddings: Children and animals. What a love most about both is that they are brutally honest with the camera. There’s no ego, no pretentiousness, just pure authentic being. Most of my favourite weddings over the years have been […]