Authentic Boudoir | Fuck Photoshop

Since the boudoir work I shoot is authentic, not photoshopped, or over-processed it’s not always the type of boudoir work that all women are looking for. In fact most women, when inquiring, ask if I plan to photoshop their “fat thighs” or “wiggly bits”.

When I really started thinking about why women hire me to shoot boudoir sessions I realized 9/10 times it’s for themselves, not for anyone else. It felt wrong to deliver these women images that were anything less than their genuine self. It wasn’t always that way though.

When I first started shooting boudoir I spent time editing out wrinkles, and cellulite, or creases, and scars. This was the industry norm, most boudoir photographers do it. For me personally though, it felt like a lie. People would say “Hey Kendra, just edit out my imperfections.” and I would lie and say “Okay, sure.” Rather than speaking the truth, which is YOU DON’T HAVE ANY.

Imperfections imply that you are less than perfect just the way you are. As if, if you were to have less wrinkles, or less cellulite, or thicker more luscious hair, or lighter coloured hair on your body, or less scars or stretch marks you would somehow be a different person. A better, more improved version of yourself. As if, your physical body aligning with the advertising world’s perception of the “ideal feminine shape” would some how make you a better mother, a kinder friend, a more forgiving wife, a more supportive sister, a sexier grandmother, a more genuine aunt, a happier woman. As if 80 years from now having a body free of imperfections would matter, or even make sense. To believe you have imperfections in the first place is a falsity.

As a woman I am tired of being told every other hour of my day that I am not good enough. This morning I turned on the radio and there was an ad for Be Ideal laser hair removal reminding me that all of the hair on my  body makes me a disgusting human being not worthly of love, unless of course, I call right now and save 15% of hair removal and make my body summer ready. Every bus stop is an ad telling me I need to get my butt in shape for summer. That if I don’t join this gym, or that diet plan I will somehow look like a monster in a bikini. Every other commercial on TV finds some way into shaming me into buying some sort of product or service. I’m not buying it any more. And I’m not selling it either.

I’m tired. I’m tired of being compared to other women and being expected to look or act a certain way. I’m tired of having the shape of femininity and sexuality decided for me. I’m tired of bullshit, and I’m tired of lies. You should be too.

So here’s the truth for a change:

You’re fine. In fact, you’re more than fine. You are a fucking goddess. You are a queen. Your body is absolutely perfect the way it is. Every scars tells a story about the battles you’ve faced in your journey. Every stretch mark is a sign of your growth. Every laugh line marks a moment you felt pure unadulterated joy. It’s okay to be sexual. You’re not a slut. You can feel sexy. You can want sex. You can feel sexy even with scars and wiggly bits and tiny boobs and thin hair and bags under your eyes. Fuck anyone who says any different.

It’s perfectly healthy to live out your sexuality. It’s even more healthy to enjoy your body – after all, it’s the only place in the universe that’s ever given you a physical space to experience pleasure. Revel in it. So get to know your body. Know your sexiness. Feel it. Own it. Then strut your stuff like the lioness you are, and know that it’s plenty.

And yes, all the women below asked for photoshop, and no, none of them got it.

genuine boudoir photography with real womenreal boudoir



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