PWPC Top 20 Best Wedding Photographers in Canada
We are super stoked to be named one of the top 20 best wedding photographers in Canada for 2014 by the PWPC (Professional Wedding Photographers of Canada.) We know that there is so much photographic talent in Canada and we feel so blessed to be ranked among the best of the best alongside some of our good friends and colleagues. 2014 proved to be a transformational year for us as photographers, we really pushed ourselves to create more meaningful, more beautiful images. We always feel blessed when people let us into their lives to document their stories and we want to do them justice by being available emotionally through the lens.
I once heard Jeff Newsom speak at the Canada Photo Convention and he said that the cure to all business related problems for an artist was simply to make better art. He said if you don’t have clients? Make better art. If you feel bored with your work? Make better art. If you’re a starving artist? Make better art. That mantra really resonated with me personally, and it has always stuck with me.
That being said I wanted to give my own piece of advice to the community that has given both Brad and I so much:
In an industry that is over saturated, competitive and sometimes hostile it’s easy to get beaten down. It’s easy to forget why you shoot, when every other day you are bombarded with incredible imagery that always seems to be better than whatever you are working on. I have stopped putting insane pressure on myself to do better than everyone else seems to be doing. My only goal now is to just do better than the last time I picked up my camera. For me that means having cleaner compositions, choosing more impactful vantage points, being more fearless, using all of my senses and my intuition to anticipate what is happening next, and trusting my instincts when I am just feeling something.
I guess what I’m trying to get at is this: Great photographers don’t just happen, and raw talent is extremely rare. You have to be driven enough to push yourself into uncomfortable places for the sake of growth. For the sake of making better art. Thank you everyone who has given us the opportunity to make better art. It’s been a rad year, and I have no doubts 2015 will be even more rad!
Here’s a few of our favourite award winning images from 2014.