Langley Wedding Photographer | Barkley Brook Wedding
Things are finally winding down around here and we finally have time to start blogging some of the weddings we shot this year again. Montanna & Nick got married back in May and we posted a sneak peek at the start of the summer but I’m so glad I finally have time to blog their […]

Redwoods Langley Golf Course Wedding Photographer
Although we’ve been to Redwoods Langley a few times for weddings, but every time we shoot a wedding there it’s always so different! Ryan & Angela’s wedding was no exception. There were so many unique little aspects of the day that made their wedding so special – for example Ryan’s sister recently became a minister, […]

Langley Wedding Photographer | Private Residence Wedding
Our wonderful bride Sara might have said it best this year: “My friends keep asking me what is the theme of your wedding? I said weddings are supposed to have themes? The theme is wedding.” Cam & Sara’s wedding was so wonderful to document because rather than getting caught up in a bunch of tiny […]

Fort Langley Wedding Photographer | Second Shooter
Back in June I second shot a rustic Fort Langley wedding with Michelle Dixon at the Fort Langley Community Hall. It was such a fun wedding to shoot (as it usually is, because I love working with Michelle.) This one even more than usual though, because it had so many great Do-it-yourself details to capture. […]