Campbell River Wedding Photographer | Shantal + Cody Sneak Peek
Last week we were over on Vancouver Island for a little Campbell River wedding at the Shelter Point Whiskey Distillery. Shantal and Cody had a beautiful intimate wedding at one of the most beautiful venues I’ve see in a long time. I do have to give a quick shout out to the staff at Photo […]

Vancouver Wedding Photographer | Pan Pacific Hotel Wedding | James + Ashley
A little while ago I second shot a Pan Pacific wedding for Michelle Dixon. This offbeat rockabilly wedding was a ton of fun to shoot. With lime green skull shoes on the bridesmaids and a bobblehead Jesus to shoot the rings on James & Ashley really let their personalities shine for their wedding day. Lime […]

Publications | Vancouver Engagement Photographer | Spanish Banks
We shot this Vancouver Engagement session last summer at the beach! We’re super stoked to announce that we’ve been featured on the fabulous Bisoubride.com blog! Check out Derek & Dorothy’s summer bicycle ride engagement session at Spanish Banks below!

Burnaby Wedding Photographer | Riverway Golf Course | Bjorn + Jessica
It’s not too often that we get to shoot weddings for friends these days as we tend to get booked up so far in advance that we can’t even usually attend their weddings, but every once in awhile we do get to, and those weddings are so, so dear to our hearts. We were blessed […]