Giveaway – Photobooth Frames!
Who doesn’t love free stuff? Especially super awesome free stuff? That’s why we are giving away 3 of these super awesome magnetic photobooth frames! So how do you win one? There are two very easy ways to win. Via Twitter: Simply fill in the blank & retweet: “Hey @redivivusphotos! I love your photobooth because […]

Weddings – B.M.F. Things
Gah. I love weddings. I would get married a hundred times over (to the same wonderful man, of course) if I had an unlimited budget. My wedding was hands down the most fabulous day of my life. I got dressed up to the nines, wore great shoes, had beautiful hair & makeup, vowed my heart […]

Vancouver Maternity Photographer | Airika
Well I’m no longer a journalist (at least not the writing kind) but I still stay in touch with some of my classmates. Back when I was studying journalism at Langara I made friends with some journalism students, Jared & Airika, the later of which happens to be very, very pregnant at the moment. In […]