Gah. I love weddings. I would get married a hundred times over (to the same wonderful man, of course) if I had an unlimited budget. My wedding was hands down the most fabulous day of my life. I got dressed up to the nines, wore great shoes, had beautiful hair & makeup, vowed my heart to my best friend and partied with my nearest and dearest until the wee hours of the next morning.
My bridal days ended a couple of years ago but my addiction to the wedding process never has, hence why I can’t stop reading wedding blogs and scouring Etsy for all marvelous things wedding. Since I can’t actually use any of this bold, modern or fabulous stuff I find anymore I’ve decided I’m going to start blogging my B.M.F. finds, in hopes that some other lucky bride can find use or find inspiration in them. Heck, if I can’t buy them (well I could, but Brad would kill me) maybe I’ll be lucky enough to be able to photograph them! (Everyone knows how I love little details!)
So onto my first BMF item:
What the heck are they?
Well here is the dictionary definition:
1) A vivarium for smaller land animals, esp. reptiles, amphibians, or terrestrial invertebrates, typically in the form of a glass-fronted case.
2) A sealed transparent globe or similar container in which plants are grown.

My definition?
A kickass centerpiece. Now I wouldn’t recommend putting small land animals, reptiles or amphibians on your table having a sealed globe with fancy plants in it rates about a 10/10 on my awesome things list.
You can buy them pre-made or if your the artsy type, you can make your own!
You can use almost any glass container (including mason jars) to grow these gorgeous centerpieces and nature provides the rest of the materials so they are not only unique and stunning to look at but very cost effective. Best of all they make beautiful gifts for your wedding party after the event. Or if you have lots of time on your hands you can make mini terrariums for each of your guests using clear glass Christmas ornaments!

There are a couple of really awesome DIY terrarium sites out there which you should definitely check out:
DIY Place Card Holder Terrariums
Don’t have time to make one? These stunners are available for purchase!
Forest Terrarium