Handcrafted Fine Art Wedding Albums from New York
I know, I know. I’m always raving about our albums – but look at them!! They are so lovely! These handcrafted fine art wedding albums come straight from New York, and I’m just in love with them. I remember when I was just a student photographer and went to a tradeshow back in 2009 and […]

Sparkling Hill Resort Wedding Photography in Okanagan Vernon BC
Lan and Sam and a really incredible Sparkling Hill Resort Wedding up in Vernon BC in the Okanagan. We always love shooting up in the area because it always seems to be sunny, and its such a nice break from the west coast rain! I have to admit when we met Sam and Lan they came across […]

Groom Reacts to Bridal Boudoir Album Gift at Wedding
One of our amazing brides booked an empowerment session for herself and gave her groom-to-be a gorgeous and elegant album of the session for a gift on their wedding day. I just LOVED the way this groom reacts to this bridal boudoir album, and the super risqué photographs of his wife-to-be. He was so excited to […]

West End Vancouver Engagement Session on Beach Ave
Whenever we shoot engagement sessions we try to do some sort of activity or shoot in a location that is actually meaningful to the couple. There is honestly nothing that makes me want to bang my head against a wall more than shooting portraits of a couple in a park that means nothing to them […]