Vancouver Wedding Photographer Reviews
I received an email a couple of days ago from the parents of a bride I recently documented, and I meant to share it earlier but then got a little tied up in processing wedding photos and it got put on the back burner. Anyways I just thought it was such a lovely note I […]

Simon Fraser University Wedding | Diamond Alumni Centre | Jason + Amber
What could be cuter than two SFU students tying the knot with a Simon Fraser University wedding. The day started out hot and sunny right from the early morning hours – a perfect day for a summer wedding. James and I started off the day at Amber’s parent’s home in New Westminster where the girls […]

Vancouver Photobooth Rental | Heritage Hall | Tom + Angie
It is always a treat to go back to Heritage Hall in Vancouver for a photobooth. It is where the photobooth first got its start! Tom and Angie had a beautiful, classic reception. They decided to go with classic black and white photos for their photobooth and they turned out great!

Burnaby wedding | Diamond Alumni Centre | Jason + Amber
Well kids it’s 2:43am. I’ve been up processing wedding photos since about 7am and I’m starting to see pixels when I look away from the screen so I know it’s just about time for bed, but before I log off for the night I wanted to post a quick sneak peek of the wedding I […]