Burnaby Engagement Photographer | Gay Weddings Vancouver | Alanna + Holly
Can I just say I love gay weddings? Maybe it’s the challenge that often presents itself in LGBT relationships, that causes many couples to fight harder for their love, but I can’t even image two people more crazy about each other than these two. Holly and Alanna are such an inspiring couple that the whole […]

Dr Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Gardens | Vancouver Wedding Photographer
We started our day off in Dr. Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Gardens in Vancouver BC, before heading over to Minoru Park for some wedding portraits and family portraits under the cherry blossoms. When we finished at the park we headed to Empire Seafood Restaurant down the road for a traditional Chinese banquet where the […]

Photo Tips – Looking Good For Your Shoot
As a wedding photographer, clients often ask me what they can do to prepare for their engagement shoot to make sure they look their best and I thought instead of answering this question over and over again I’d just write up a short blog post on how to look good for the camera! There is […]

Engagement – Greg + Lisa
Goodness gracious! I’m a little behind on the blogging – but promise I’ll catch up soon, cause we’ve been up to so many good things lately! We kicked off our first week back from Barbados with an amazing wedding and a fabulous engagement session – both featuring some of the gorgeous cherry blossoms blooming around […]