Vancouver Wedding Photographer | Pan Pacific Hotel Wedding | James + Ashley
A little while ago I second shot a Pan Pacific wedding for Michelle Dixon. This offbeat rockabilly wedding was a ton of fun to shoot. With lime green skull shoes on the bridesmaids and a bobblehead Jesus to shoot the rings on James & Ashley really let their personalities shine for their wedding day. Lime […]

Paris | France | Vancouver Wedding Photographer
Everyone has been harassing me to see some of the pictures I shot in France while there last month! Admittedly I didn’t bring my camera everywhere with me as I had a few days where I just defaulted to my trusty iPhone and instagram to capture the magic of France, but these were definitely some […]

Publications | Vancouver Engagement Photographer | Spanish Banks
We shot this Vancouver Engagement session last summer at the beach! We’re super stoked to announce that we’ve been featured on the fabulous Bisoubride.com blog! Check out Derek & Dorothy’s summer bicycle ride engagement session at Spanish Banks below!

Publications | Vancouver Engagement Photographer | Grouse Mountain
We’re super stoked to announce that we’ve been featured on the Grouse Mountain website & blog! Check out Morgan & Miyuki’s winter engagement session up on the slopes of Grouse Mountain below! Check out their full engagement session HERE.