It’s hard to believe Tia is already 3 months old. Shes grown into this little chubby girl with a personality from a completely helpless newborn in a matter of 12 short weeks.
This week she has started teething – a little earlier than most babies and it’s been tough on the whole family. She’s really fussy as of late and we’re just pooped now that we’re in the throes of wedding season. It seems like between full days out shooting and sleepless nights like there is little time to recover. Luckily we’ve been watching Groupon for spa specials over the past year and have been stocking up! As soon as September comes I’m seriously going to live at the spa! Pedicures, massages and facials galore! I can hardly wait!
While getting back into the swing of things has had it’s challenges I’m super amped to be back! I’ve got so many great couples to work with this summer, I’m just stoked! I think the best part of doing engagement session is that I really get to know my clients ahead of time so it feels more like I’m working with a friend rather than capturing all these intimate photos for a complete stranger. I think it help to hone in on those intimate and emotional moments. I bought a ‘new’ lens too this week, and by new I mean new to me… I bought it second hand from another photographer. It’s the 16-35mm F2.8L II USM. It’s an ultra-wide zoom, and while it was pretty painful (more than teething) to part with $1400.00 for a used piece of glass I’m pumped just thinking about all the creative shots I’m going to take with it!
I second shot with the fabulous Michelle Dixon over at Michelle Lana Photography on Saturday – we’re doing some “tradesies” this summer, I’m covering her weddings and she’s covering mine so that I can take a few breaks throughout the day to pump so I can nurse Tia. I’ll also be working with James McClennan again, which I’m excited about – as he’s a really talented photojournalist.
Sigh, it’s 1:30AM, baby is fed, photos are batching into JPEGs, and I’m all registered for a kickass 6 week intensive lighting workshop starting this Sunday. Nothing else to do but sleep! But before I go..here’s a couple cute pics I snapped of Tia this week.